One of my favorite web comics, Scott Meyer’s Basic Instructions, just covered a topic near and dear to my heart:
(Click through for the full comic.)
When I was in graduate school, around 2003, Wal Sargent came into our office, and the following dialog ensued:
Wal: Have any of you gentlemen heard of a rock-and-roll band called “Queen?”
Us: Um, yeah.
Wal: I have not. However, the guitarist, Brian May, will be in the area, and has requested a tour of Palomar Observatory. Would any of you be interested in giving him a tour?
Us: Yes.
Alas, none of us ever got to give now-Dr. May his tour. My understanding is that my advisor (who added a “guitar room” to his home around that time) had the privilege.
Brian May is the best guitarist of all times!